Web Elements

What is Web Elements

Web Elements it's a page that offers simple plug-ins to any user that need to implement some functionalities to their websites.

The idea of creating them was because of my experience while creating webs for our customers, which almost all of them decided to include similar functionalities to their sites. So, why create new files from zero when I could create them and re-use them?

With time, I have included some options that can be passed through the plug-in, like the position of it, the animation it has to do, etc. Every plug-in here has been updated through the time since many new ideas came up to me, so they can be more customizable.

Minimum files

Each plug-in comes with a minimum files to work. Those are jQuery, our JS file that works with jQuery language, and some of them, with a base CSS, which can be customizable.

I tried to make the code readable as much as I could. So, in case you need to include some of your own code to it, you can easily focus in which part of the JS file you have to include it.


You can find me on GitHub.

This is an open-source project, so feel free to contribute if you find something that can be improved.

Any bug, issue or problem with any plug-in, go to the Issues tab from the GitHub and open a new ticket. I will try to solve it as soon as possible.

More info coming soon